Colostrum Research

Colostrum Research

The transfer factors from colostrum are able to boost natural killer cell (NK) activity and calm a hyperactive immune system through activating suppressor T cells. This improves the intelligence of the immune system and allows it to function with greater efficiency. These transfer factors also act as a catalytic memory agent for the immune system to alert naive immune cells of an impending danger.


These colostrum-based IgG molecules can literally save someone’s life who is suffering from acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). In this condition, the individual is not able to effectively produce sufficient IgG on its own to combat pathogenic microbes like Cryptosporidium parvum. According to the Health Science Institute’s Underground Cures, “colostrum is able to ameliorate or completely eliminate the clinical symptoms of those suffering from cryptosporidiosis.“


Colostrum is the first food of life – naturally designed to maintain health and prevent disease. This is a baby’s first food and as such is incredibly effective at keeping a baby healthy while providing the foundation for growth. Sadly, most people (including health professionals) have never been taught its health benefits.


Colostrum is the secretion from the mammary glands before a mothers milk starts to flow. It is provided in the first 24 to 48 hours, and provides essential nutrients for the immune system. Bovine colostrum is biologically transferable to all mammals – including man. It even has identical factors to those of human colostrum and is actually many times richer in immune factors.


Colostrum is the thin fluid produced by breastfeeding mothers. It is produced in abundance during the very first few milkings, and with each milking, less is produced. Colostrum introduces immunoglobulins from the mother to the infant and turns on the child’s immune system. Colostrum has incredible immune-balancing benefits. Colostrum contains a rich array of nutrients, including growth factors, lipidic and glucidic factors, oligosaccharides, antimicrobials, cytokines and nucleosides.

This substance introduces the newborn to over 95 different compounds that balance and stabilize the immune system. It also brings in eight growth factors that promote normal cell growth, DNA synthesis, fat utilization and increased mental acuity.


Bovine colostrum has an identical structure to the natural colostrum produced by humans. Research has attributed many health benefits to bovine colostrum. These benefits include improved gut stability and nutrient absorption.

Colostrum also provides immunological balance, increases energy and reduces inflammation and illness. Colostrum is Nature’s Original Prescription for Health. Biologically Active Colostrum may help stimulate a compromised immune system or modulate an overactive immune response as occurs with autoimmune diseases. It may be helpful in the treatment of CFS, FM, AIDS, and gastrointestinal disease.

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